We envision a community that will:
- employ our workforce through large and small businesses that respect the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit
- allow every person who lives and works in the District to get to work in less than 30 minutes safely and affordably, without being forced to use a car
- guarantee the human rights of every person, including those who are poor, undocumented, ex-offender, gay/transgendered, or disadvantaged in any way
- restore the health of the Anacostia River ecosystem
- fully fund community needs with taxes that are proportionate to ability to pay
- Building community through economic opportunity and security by helping each able adult work while earning a living wage, and providing for the basic human needs of every person who is not able to work. Government should guarantee quality public education, health care, and affordable housing. Economic development should be guided by enforceable standards for community benefits and responsible business behavior.
- Building community through a network of safe and liveable neighborhoods where residents can live, work and shop. Land-use policies should grow our population while preserving age, race and income diversity. Public transportation should be accessible and affordable to all residents and a viable option to car use. Every neighborhood should have access to affordable, healthy food and safe public spaces.
- Building community through environmental sustainability by restoring the health of our area watersheds, starting with the Anacostia River and its tributaries. Building and infrastructure design and materials should reduce pollutants in our river, promote energy efficiency and incentivize renewable resources. Our natural resources must be preserved and managed to maximize access to parks and open space while restoring the health of natural systems.
- Building community through human equality and guarantee the human rights of every person. Public policy should promote human rights and civil liberties. People should be free to associate with whomever they wish and marry whomever they wish.
- Building community through government that is transparent, accessible and inclusive. We expect government to be honest, efficient, transparent, democratic, and inclusive, and to encourage all residents to participate on the basis of one person, one vote. We support financing public programs through a tax policy that shares the cost proportionate to people’s ability to pay.
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